Get More Done In Less Time
Using These 3 Simple Tools
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Get More Done
In Less Time
Using These
3 Simple Tools
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Don't let overwhelm stop you from living the life you truly desire.
With over 30 years experience as a live event producer and director, one of the #5 most stressful careers right under military, emergency responders and airline pilots, according to Forbes...
I understand the effects of stress and anxiety on your mental, physical and emotional health. But sometimes, it’s the stressful LIFE events that take their toll on us the most.
Just months after marrying the man of my dreams, a doctor sat us down and told us that IF he was alive in six months they could put him on a transplant list.
I decided there had to be more options than death and surgery so I dove into researching and educating myself in a variety of healing methods.
After spending years working in one of the most stressful careers, I realized that the more consistent my self care routine, the better equipped I was to navigate whatever came at me both at work and in life with more ease and grace.
I was able to become more attuned to my intuition and conative thinking abilities, disconnect from energies that drained me, and stay in my own lane.
Today, I share these transformational tools so you too can create miracles in your life.
Learn quick techniques to release stress and anxiety
Stress causes a spike in adrenaline and cortisol levels resulting in overwhelm, loss of focus, trouble concentrating, feelings of anxiety, depression, irritability, all which can affect your ability to function and can weaken the immune system. I will share one tool in particular that can be a life saver.
Learn quick techniques to release stress and anxiety
Stress causes a spike in adrenaline and cortisol levels resulting in overwhelm, loss of focus, trouble concentrating, feelings of anxiety, depression, irritability, all which can affect your ability to function and can weaken the immune system. I will share one tool in particular that can be a life saver.
Get centered and grounded so you can get more done in less time
When you are overwhelmed, it can be hard for your mind to process everything and remain calm, centered and grounded. If your emotions have the best of you and you don’t know where to start, stop spinning and calm the chaos in your head so that you can get more done in less time with one effective tool.
Disconnect from negative thoughts, situations and people
Now more than ever it’s important to consciously curate what you are feeding your mind. Tune in for a simple but effective tool to help you disconnect from negative thoughts, situations and people quickly!
Disconnect from negative energies including toxic news
When was the last time you watched the news and walked away feeling uplifted? Now more than ever it’s important to consciously curate what you are feeding your mind. Tune in for a simple but effective tool to help you disconnect from negative thoughts, energies and people quickly!
Get centered and grounded so you can get more done in less time
With all the fear, worry and anxiety it can be hard for our mind to process everything and remain calm, centered and grounded. If your emotions have the best of you and you don’t know where to start, stop spinning and calm the chaos in your head so that you can get more done in less time with one effective tool.
Be responsive versus reactionary
When you fill your cup first, not only are you better equipped to respond (instead of react) to unexpected life events and everything that pops up along the way, but you have more sustained energy at the end of the day for the people and things you love the most.
Be caring and kind without feeling drained
When you fill your cup first, not only are you better equipped to respond (instead of react) to unexpected life events and everything that pops up along the way, but you have more sustained energy at the end of the day for the people and things you love the most.
WARNING: You may experience such side effects as decreased levels of stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality, sharpened memory, less procrastination, enhanced creativity and heightened productivity as a result of increased focus and concentration. You may also see an increase in your compassion and ability to respond to situations which may result in improved business and personal relationships.
"Energy truly is everything and when you use these simple tools to master yours, not only can you get more done in less time and improve your relationships, you actually can create small miracles every day."
"Susan is a naturally gifted teacher with a level of comfort, charisma and ease that very few possess. Her spontaneous ability to play with and create in the moment makes everyone feel like they are engaged in a conversation!"
TIAMO DEVITTORI, Motivational Speaker, Singer, Songwriter, Founder and CEO of Fearless Speaker Academy
"Susan is clear, engaging, and impactful. She connects, imparts wisdom, encourages action, and fosters a sense of community. She naturally creates an energy of togetherness with her as we all work towards being the best version of ourselves."
MICHAEL SCHREIBER, Founder of Stage Success
"Susan is heart-centered, compelling, authentic and inspiring. Her message will leave an imprint on your soul that is long-lasting and truly transformational!"
MAKAYLA LEONE, #1 Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker & Wellness Enthusiast